
Summary of activity

On March 11th, the North Eastern part of Japan was hit by a magnitude 9.0 earthquake. The earthquake itself is said to be the biggest one in the Japanese history and the world 4th largest. What made everything worse was the massive tsunamis and aftershocks.
At the point of the March 15th, there have been over 10,000 confirmed deaths and missing, and more than 20,000 people have lost contact. The situation of the areas has remained devastating. Many lost their home, there are serious shortages in water, food and electricity supplies. Worse, the nuclear plants located in Fukushima Prefecture exploded, and caused injuries.
Being in Australia, what we can do is very limited. A lot of us must be frustrated with the fact that only we can do is to get as much information as we can via the media/internet, and pray for those who suffer. However, there must be something, even something small, we can do to help people in damaged areas. This made us decide to form this group to gather people who feel the same way as us.
We have also decided to do a couple of things.
First is to take pictures of you guys and collect messages to the victims. We will then upload those pictures and messages on this group page. The pictures and messages will also be used to make a short film, and we will upload the film on social networking site such as Facebook, Youtube and mixi. We are hoping to make DVDs using the film as well and send them with the pictures to the affected areas.
The second is to organize donation booths. We have already contacted the Australian Red Cross, and once we get a permission from them, we will start collecting donations. The donation will be held until the 14th of April. We will send your donation to the Australian Red Cross and it will be sent to the Japanese Red Cross. We will be posting the details such as the location of donation booths, and where we will be taking your pictures. If you do not have time to come see us, drop a message to Uchu Nakamura (uchu.0530@i.softbank.jp), and we will come see you to get your picture.
We will greatly appreciate if you can spread about this to your family, friends or whoever wants to help people in North Eastern Japan. This catastrophic even hurt many, many people and Japan will never forget about this event. They need us right now.
We believe that even small help like this can help them overcome this tragedy. So please, please help people in Japan and tell them they are not alone. Thank you very much. 
*The donation will be sent to the Australian Red Cross - http://www.redcross.org.au/ "

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